Monday, September 17, 2007

Earthquake gives bigger impact to lower buildings compared to higher buildings.

In todays blog, I am going to share my opinion about the earthquake, which we all knew it occurred in Indonesia and some other continents. As I was having my supper with some seniors, they discussed about the earthquake; that the taller a building is, the less chances it will collapsed. I have always been thinking that higher buildings tend to collapse easily. I was wrong indeed.

The idea is simple. Collapse of a building may occur if there is a seismic wave. It moves the base of a building at a certain frequency and resonance. Often, the height of the building can be estimated by 10Hz divided by the number of floors. For example,
1 floor ~ 10Hz
2 floor ~ 5Hz
10 floors ~ 1Hz
100 floors ~ 0.1Hz
This concludes that taller buildings are mostly affectedly by low frequency waves. On the other hand, shorter buildings are greatly affected by high frequency waves and the tendency to collapse is much more higher compared to high buildings. Please, If you faced this, run to open air and wide place; or hide under a solid table. At least, the chances to survive is higher. Never ever stay inside short buildings.

Seismic wave - is an elastic wave in the earth, generated by an earthquake or explosion.
Frequency - is a number of oscillations per unit of time. It is determined by the frequency of arriving seismic wave. It is also defined as the largest vibration of a building due to enhancement of the energy at a special frequency to the building.

I hope this is useful for one's knowledge

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