Title (14/4/2010): An inconvenient truth!
The feeling of being betrayed, followed by an extreme pain is good lesson for everyone.
Sometimes, we do not believe in what we see, even for what we heard.
Because this FACT is extremely hard to digest. But which do you prefer?
A feeling of hope? or a feeling of desperation?
Yesterday I go for 'hope'
and I suffered badly, cried days and nights,
for I thought you were the only one I love.
But today, the 'hope' is just simply a 'hope'.
I wanted you to be happy.
I wanted my friend to be happy.
That is why even in front of me,
both of you have disappointed me.
I am angry but I felt uneasy to be angry,
for I care for both of you.
But have you ever care about my feeling?
the extreme pain feeling that I have experienced in my heart for the past few days,
the fact that I could not sleep every night until I was extremely damn tired,
the emotion that I want to express when I think about the betrayal,
the feeling of lost in the midst,
the lack of acknowledgment and appreciation that you have shown to me.
have you ever care??
Now, where is my pride, my faith, my love, and my buddy that I used to know?
If you have answer, please...Help me! For I am totally lost~
I DO love you and care for you,
but at the same time i do not want both of you to take bad decision. But you already did.
Perhaps, what people said is true:
"Do what you want, Do what you like, for the life is short"
End of the word:
I do not demand much.
I only demand both of you to explain to me in a very clear sense
(no more cheating about what you have done).
I only want the 'honesty', the 'faith', the 'love', the 'care' that I have given is not wasted.
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