Sunday, October 14, 2007

14th Post: Windshield of vehicle.

Do you all know why the windshield of our car will not hit our face when minor accident occur?

This scene seems familiar to you reader. right?

The fact is:
In the late 1800s, scientists used cellulose nitrate as a sheet layer of our windshield, so it would not break of and hurt the face of the passengers. The broken glass will stick to the cellulose nitrate. Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer ever exists in the world. Its derivatives are very useful in many applications.

However, cellulose nitrate has successfully been replaced by cellulose acetate in windshield car application due to its flammable properties. That is why we must be glad and thanks mother-nature for cellulose derivatives usefulness. And not to forget, scientists.

Go, Go, Go..preserve and make good use of our environment before they are eliminated.

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